When to Call the Exterminator: Different Types of Roaches

Roaches, also known as cockroaches, are one of the most common household pests. They are known for their fast reproduction and ability to thrive in almost any environment. Roaches are not only unsightly but also pose a serious health risk to humans as they can spread diseases. Different types of roaches exist, and knowing how to identify them can help determine the appropriate course of action needed to get rid of them. In this article, we will discuss the different types of roaches and when it’s appropriate to call an exterminator.

German Roaches

German roaches are one of the most common types of roaches found in households. They are small, light brown in color, and have two dark stripes on their body. German roaches are known for their fast reproductive rate, and a single female can lay up to 40 eggs at a time. They are often found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where food and moisture are plentiful. German roaches are hard to get rid of because they can develop resistance to pesticides, and their eggs are resistant to many treatments. If you notice German roaches and their eggs in your home, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately.

American Roaches

American roaches are the largest of the common roaches, measuring up to two inches in length. They are reddish-brown in color and have a yellowish figure-eight pattern on the back of their head. American roaches are often found in damp areas such as basements and sewers. They can also fly, which makes them difficult to catch. While American roaches are not as common in households as German roaches, they can still be a problem. If you notice more than a couple of American roaches in your home, it’s best to call an exterminator.

Oriental Roaches

Oriental roaches are also known as water bugs because they prefer damp environments. They are dark brown or black in color and measure up to one inch in length. Oriental roaches are often found in basements, crawl spaces, and other areas with high moisture levels. They are not as fast as German roaches, but they are still able to move quickly. Oriental roaches can also spread diseases and should be dealt with promptly. If you notice Oriental roaches in your home, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately.

Brown-Banded Roaches

Brown-banded roaches are similar in size to German roaches but have a lighter brown color and two lighter bands across their body. They are often found in warmer areas of the home, such as attics and upper cabinets. Brown-banded roaches are not as common as German roaches, but they can still be a problem. They are also resistant to many pesticides, so it’s best to call an exterminator if you notice them in your home.

Final Thoughts

Roaches are pests that no one wants to deal with in their home. Not only are they unsightly, but they also pose a health risk to humans. There are different types of roaches, and knowing how to identify them can help determine the appropriate course of action needed to get rid of them. If you notice any type of roach in your home, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately. Exterminators have the knowledge and tools needed to effectively eliminate roaches from your home and prevent them from returning. Don’t let roaches take over your home; call an exterminator today.

Get rid of roaches in your home with the help of Suncoast Pest Management. We are a team of expert exterminators that provide cockroach pest control in Irvine, CA, and San Diego. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction and providing the best service possible. Get a quote now!